I have just been diognosed with prostate cancer. My urologists recommended treatment is: radiation, implant radioactive seeds and hormone therapy. Reason for this as the only treatment is: aggressive high grade cancer, Gleason's combined score 9 (4+5). perineul invasive adenocarcinoma is present.
My PSA has been 4.2+ for several years. I am now 66 years old %26amp; I do not understand why a biopsy was not done before now. I trusted the doctors to make informed decisions for me.
The main reason I'm asking is I'm a caregiver for my wife who has M.S.
What are the survival rates for this cancer in this stage????
Prostate cancer survival with advanced stages.?
Sorry for your situation. I'm going to be blunt--if you rely on your oncologist to save you, you are between a rock and a hard place. He can't do anything for you, except make you weaker--but there's a lot you can do for yourself.
Five hundred years ago, people said the world was flat. Today, people say that if the FDA and AMA haven't blessed something, it can't be real good. Well, here's something I know to be real AND good. It's a little different take on cancer treatment--
In 1990, I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stage 3-B, but I've survived. My doctors were great people, but they were limited to surgery, chemo and radiation by profitable AMA treatment policy. During the year in treatment, I started learning about alternative medicine. I'm a retired engineer, and this is what I've pieced together--our IMMUNE SYSTEMS become weakened by poor nutrition, lack of exercise and reduced oxygen. Once that happens, our body becomes vulnerable to common STRESSORS. Stressors can be environmental, like viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, electromagnetic waves or pollution. They can be internal things like emotional or job stress, or poisonous people in our lives. Aging is also a contributing factor. So this means:
WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM + STRESSORS = DISEASE (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.)
Our bodies have 60 trillion--yes, trillion--cells, and there are always some mutating into cancer cells, but a healthy immune system kills them before they have a chance to get a foothold in the body.
It takes a LONG time, usually, or a high level of stressors, to weaken the immune system to the point where it won't do its job, but once cancer has formed, it will generally spread rapidly.
THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are ways to BEAT cancer that are currently being used in Europe and around the world, and there are some great books on the subject. I know because I've read about 50 of them from cover to cover. Here's a list of the best ones. Some are out of print and getting hard to find--
"The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825
"The Cure for All Advanced Cancers", ISBN 1890035165
"A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052
"Oxygen Therapies", ISBN 0962052701
"Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077
"The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410
"Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966
"Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About", ISBN 0975599518
I know of people whose cancer has 'spontaneously remitted' (WENT AWAY for no known reason) AFTER they went on programs of herbs and nutrition to restart their immune systems.
You and your family must look out for yourselves to stand a chance of being healthy. This is not a joke, and I'm not selling anything--just trying to help.
I am using the things I learned in those books right now to fight off a second infestation of cancer. I've been at it for over a year now, and think I'm going to make it. Use what works for you, and pass on your success. Best of luck.
Watch the film at this website--
Reply:i truly have no idea about what you're talking about, but i do hope that you get well. good luck :)
Reply:Me again.Mine had spread to my seminal vesicles,which they didn't discover until I was opened up.Each of us is
different but the survival rates are high.
Reply:I too had a combined Gleason Score in the vicinity of 9. I opted for external radiation (5 weeks of daily treatments) followed by seed implantation. My PSA count was in excess of yours prior to the treatment; A little more than a year later it is now 0.36. Thus the radiation treatments were very effective.
If your PSA was steady for several years (4.2 is just slightly high) a biopsy may not have been considered necessary, if manual manipulation did not indicate any nodular abnormalities.
The hormone therapy that your Urologist is recommending will slow the cancerous cell growth and the radiation will destroy the affected cells. I would say that you can likely look forward to a long productive life, if you opt for the Dr's recommended treatment.
Reply:It is very difficult to say what the survival rates are. I'm going to post one article here that I just happened to be reading awhile back http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/d... The problem is some people with low scores end up doing terribly even though the original prognosis was good. In addition, some with high gleason scores did much better. Gleason rating is a less than perfect science. There are always studies trying to correlate the score to different markers, survival rates etc. It isn't always conclusive. In addition, 4+5 is different from 5+4. It is hard to make a judgement call and is largely based on the pathologist's opinion. Luckily for you, there is so much research put into prostate cancer because it is so common and yes, a gleason score of 4+5 is quite common too. Good luck, don't worry too much and stay strong. Many patients do well with the treatment you are going to be given! Giuliani had this treatment for one...and he is running for President!
Reply:Pomegranate juice is great against prostate cancer !!!
Take it every day!!
Green Tea, Zyflamend and Vitamin D3 can also help !!!
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