Sunday, April 26, 2009

Adolescent male - WAY low testosterone (Risperdal?)?

So this may only be a question that someone familiar with this drug can help me. My 17 year old son has taken Risperdal for about 5 years (he has tourette syndrome). He also takes 2 other meds. There was a mix-up with one of his meds and he mistakenly got a prostate cancer (anti-antogen?) about a year ago (please no lectures, I questioned the pharmacist and was told I didn't know what I was talking about!). It was physically very clear that he wasn't producing any testosterone after he had taken it for 29 days (before we figured it out). We did hormone tests at that time, and sure enough his testosteron was at 220 - way low for an otherwise healthy teenage boy. He's been so lathargic for the last year that we just had another hormone test his testosterone is at 92. Doctors are telling me that it's because of the Risperdal he takes. His Prolactin levels are a little high (which IS characteristic of the Risperdal), but nothing dramatic like the testosterone. Any ideas?

Adolescent male - WAY low testosterone (Risperdal?)?
Yeah, ask the doctor whether there are alternative drugs he could use that do not have this impact on his development or change Doctors.
Reply:Well if you say that the Doctors are telling you that his testosterone levels are a little low because of the Risperdal isn't that your answer? And if they are telling you this, do you want the problem fixed because if you do you could ask for an alternative medicine. If you don't want it fixed, well keep on giving him the Risperdal. Prolactin is a hormone most commonly found in women. Called Protein Lactin it stimulates breast growth at puberty and produces milk for pregnat women. High levels in males leds to the growing of breasts.


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