Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why do some religions say masterbation is a sin?

Dr. Andrew Weil says - "Masturbation is a normal sexual behavior that just about everybody engages in - 95 percent of males and 89 percent of females, according to current statistics. For many people, however, it remains a taboo subject and a practice that is still regarded as perverse or immoral. As recently as the late 19th century, medical doctors condemned masturbation as destructive to mental health, even recommending amputation of the penis as a way to cure the habit in compulsive males."

"Now it appears that masturbation is not only normal, it may be healthy and protective, especially for young men. A team of scientists in Australia found that men who ejaculate more frequently between the ages of 20 and 50 are less likely to develop prostate cancer. The protective effect seems greatest for those in their 20s."

Why do some religions say masterbation is a sin?
What a pile of "%26amp;*@ theres nothing wrong with it, you will not go to hell, you will not destroy your soul, you will not go blind. End of story! theres wouldnt be enough room in hell anyway
Reply:rebel it's like alcohol

you should do neither alone
Reply:I guess in their eyes its wasting "life"

but heres a question for them: when A woman Ovulates is she commiting sin because the egg never got fertalized?

I wish people wouldnt be so damn Ignorant all the friggin time Its normal and it is the safest sex there is.....
Reply:soo science is against religion ANYWAY
Reply:I think because it is funner than going to church.
Reply:Masturbation allows you to explore your own body in a sexual way, find out what you like and what you dont like. Human beings, are sexual beings, we reproduce.

So how can any religion forbid this, as its healthy for the body?
Reply:i thik we all would be going straight to hell then, I would be about 10,000 times over
Reply:Probably because it's self-indulgence and can be viewed by religions as gluttony, temptation and sinful.
Reply:Dr. Andrew Weil is correct in one thing - among sinners, it IS normal. But Jesus said that to even LOOK at a woman, or to lust, is as bad as adultery in the eyes of God. So, if you feel the need to live a lust-filled, self-centered, selfish lifestyle of sin, if you feel that this is "normal" behavior, you go right ahead. But just make sure you have your excuses ready because when you stand before God, He'll tell it like it is, and I don't think Dr. Weil will be there defending you, since he'll be facing his OWN judgement day!
Reply:Id rather do what God says is good for me then what man says is good for me. Man is always trying to justify sins.

I have acutally masurbated before, I went to the bishop about it a couple of weeks ago. I havnt done it since and my spirit feels SO much better. I know it was distroying me.
Reply:Really , why i believe some would consider it that way is because your wasting life in a sense , but really i dont think it is , its really just a normal thing to do , i guess its a simple way to pacify being alone ( no i dont believe relationships just consist of sex ).

However i think that some people will go to far and get lost into it and it just gets really wierd when it becames all of them and not just a part of their life.
Reply:Who cares about scientists? Who made them God?

Its a sin because in all we do we are supposed to do it all in the glory of God. When we are lusting over our own flesh, then we are living in the flesh and not in the spirit of God.

Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

God designed the male and female to become one flesh. "The two shall become one flesh"

How can one become one flesh with ONE?
Reply:Because people only view masturbation as nasty and deviant when they're not engage in it themselves.
Reply:First of all I would really like to know how masturbation is deemed healthy, I mean is it the same healthy as say vitamins or swimming etc.

These so called professional people think they can spout any old diatribe and the great un-washed have to accept it.

Masturbation is a sin wether we like to admit it or not, it is a grave offense against the Holy Spirit Who dwells within us and it is a sin against human chastity and purity.

Have you noticed how the same people insist that virginity is also old hat and one should lose it as soon as possible?
Reply:The church at one time licensed all of the brothels to the church. If you masturbated then they would be out some revenue. So they made it a sin.
Reply:masterbation is a sin because of what u r thinking while doing it -end of story
Reply:Its simple:

The two paths are:

1) The spiritual path:

2) The materialistic worldly path.

Accepting the spiritual path means you seek to behave in accordance with the spirit of God (as detailed in many scriptures from many religions); and controlling the body and mind with the soul (rather than the other way around).

Accepting the material path means you seek to obtain material pleasures and possesions: In other words, you bodily need becomes the motive for the mind, and the soul becomes the servant of the body, and its senses.

As religions promote the spiritual life; the highest goal of which is to:

1) Eat only what is required to live, not to enjoy

2) Reject all lust in favour of recognizing the level of spiritual self realization in others.

3) Regulating the body to prevent stress, thereby avoiding frustrations that lead to masturbation.

4) Rejecting the need to feel ownership over possesions and relationships.

The scientific issue is well documented. Excessive masturbation leads to:

1) Excessive testosterone levels:

2) A resultant increase in risk of Cancer (especially testicular cancer).

3) Premature balding.

Testosterone actually promotes cellular proliferation and so increases the risk of cancer. The Aussies are wrong, study is flawed.
Reply:Maturbation though it's natural to desire to satisfy oneself sexually, is not 100% healthy. When one masturbates, releasing fluids out of the body, this leads to a loss of essential nutrients and energy. In men, the loss of too many nutrients, if they masturbate too frequently, can lead to premature hair loss.

In addition, during the stimulus of the genetals, especially during orgasm, you are messing around with the hormones in your body. The reason why you want to masturbate and stimulate the pleasure centre of the brain, is due to the chemical serotonin. Serotonin is the chemical that gives one a euphoric feeling; the excitement that you feel all over your body once you orgasm.

After the orgasm, a different chemical is released, making you cool down. This hormone makes you feel down, creating the polar opposite of the affects of serotonin. If you mess around with your hormones, you mess around with your moods.

People who try to quit masturbation do find that they are depressed for the first few weaks due to the fact that they have become accustomed to that "high" which the chemical serotonin gives them. They can't stand the affects of the polar opposite hormone.

Therefore, there is a risk of dependancy and using masturbation to avoid dealing with conflict healthily.

There are negative aspects to the practice and you have to decide whether the positive aspects outweight the negative.

For ex. masturbation, which is often done alone, is often linked to becoming unsocial aroud others.

Try talking to your mom or dad after working it out, and you'll see what I mean.

Masturbation often ensued by a feeling of guilt as well, for everyone, have you ever wondered why? The affect of masturbation on one's mental health are not intensive enough to provide insight into this complicated issue.

For info. on the negative affects of too much masturbation visit the following links:

(this site gives great info. on the affects of over masturbation)
Reply:Because of abuse of masturbation,

I guy I know did it back to back for days where he couldn't feel it and he yanked it off by accident. lol

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