Monday, November 16, 2009

Could this be prostate cancer?

I'm 19 and for the past year I've been on and off every few days for a few seconds feeling a very sharp crippling pain inside by butthole. I didn't even know it could be prostate cancer until I looked up the symptoms. Could this be prostate cancer?

Could this be prostate cancer?
Conduct PSA test if you have suspicion. Consult the doctor.
Reply:No this is not prostate cancer. This sounds like a sharp muscle spasm. Most people get those.
Reply:Too early to say it's cancer, it must accompany a host of symptoms like losing weight etc. before you can make a conclusion. You just have to ask a doctor to really know.
Reply:At your age is is more likely to be a hemoroid. If the pain returns us a preparation h suppository, this is over the counter medicine.

Eat more vegtables and fruits, get a lot of exercise.

Avoid sitting on cold hard surfaces like pavement or concrete.
Reply:No.. It is not prostate cancer,and it is not present at your age.

What actually you are having is prostatitis, probably, which is common at this age group.

Also it could be proctitis, anal fissure or an inflammed pile, which gives similar symptoms.

Go to your doc and you will be alright.

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