Monday, November 16, 2009

Which treatment for prostate cancer has the least side effects.?

I was recently diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and am deciding on treatment. They all seem to have the same dismal side effects. Which one would you say has the least (or most livable) side effects?

Which treatment for prostate cancer has the least side effects.?
There is one treatment in which radioactive needles are implanted in the tumor for a kind of localized radiotherapy. This has the advantage of avoiding prostatectomy and the associated risks of losing bladder function.

Antiandrogen + LHRH superagonist can also be used for hormonal suppression in case the tumor is androgen-dependant (that is, most cases). Sometimes, surgery can be avoided that way, when there is complete response and elimination of the tumor. But be aware that hormonal suppression can cause impotency, though the effect is reversible.
Reply:What are your choices at this time???
Reply:My dad was diagnosed with stage 3 prostate cancer and he decided on a radical perineal prostatetomy. In the long-term this has probably the least side effects. The biggest complaint my dad had was the discomfort post-op. Also the recovery is progressive, it can only get better.
Reply:a close friend of mine had a little radioactive seed implanted in his prostate. He says it is about the size of a grain of rice, kills cancer cells over a period of time. His cancer is very slow growing and he is in his early 60's, so they think this is the best least invasive way to do it.

I had radiation treatments for another type and location of cancer,, but saw several men at the clinic having radiation on their prostate. I believe it was for a faster growing type.


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