Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prostate cancer cure.?

what is the treatment for prostate cancer explian fullyex.if surgery tell what is the procudere

Prostate cancer cure.?
Also resveratrol. google "resveratrol preclinical and clinical studies" done by M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. my friend was given three months to live and started taking the stluff and that was over two years ago. It tells the bad cells to go away and works on most cancers. You can also check "aggrawal resveratrol" he is the doctor. has links to Anderson and sell it. sells it and most good health stores. the stuff is also good for pain, I have ruptured disc and it is a cox 1-2 inhibitor like Vioxx and Celebrex which I have taken and this stuff works and has no side effects. It is also like Viagra.

Anyway google and check it out, look for the 60 page report from Anderson, it explains the different cancers and pathways. They are also dong it with tumeric. It's no t a joke but the tv lady in Texas asked me why she hadn't heard about it and I told her because it doesn't cost $100,000, about $15. jAlso there are two kinds, one from the knotweed plant and the other from the pulp of the muscadine grape here in

America. the Japanese use the knotweed. Hoope this helps, take care. Also check out Dr. Arnold Smith site
Reply:It is very complicated and not one size fits all. Surgery is one treatment and there are a couple of different procedures that can be followed. Chemotherapy may also be used alone or in combination with Surgery or Radiation. There is Brachytherapy which is a type of radiation implant. The protocol is based on the Gleason Score as well as the PSA test aggressiveness. So in answer to your question, I cant answer your question fully since it would take too long. Try going to and search treatments and see what you are interested in reading
Reply:Take a look at PCA3 tests. It might help determine the aggressiveness on the cancer. You may also want to look at "free PSA". It is available at any medical lab.

Please take a look at this link:

Hope this helps.

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