Monday, May 17, 2010

Do males with low sex drives, have higher risks of prostate cancer?

Okay simple question: This is not your average masturbation question, because I know it doesn't cause any harm. My question is more reversed in a sense. I am a nearly 18 year old male, with quite possibly significantly lower than average testosterone levels, and I have heard males who masturbate frequently have a lower risk of prostate cancer.

So does the reverse imply? I still admit I have a sex drive, to a small degree, and see nothing wrong with it. I merely have a very low sex drive for a male my age, but I am also health conscious to a degree.

If a male has a much lower sex drive, than average, thus does not likely masturbate often, is said male at higher risks of prostate cancer?

Do males with low sex drives, have higher risks of prostate cancer?
i hope not O_o

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