Friday, May 21, 2010

Prostate Cancer? at Nineteen?

Hello, I am Nineteen Years of Age. Forgive any crude language as I am not familiar with all relevant medical terminology.Recently I noticed a slight discomfort at my rear end. So I investiaged further and noticed that quite cleary extruding from the hole is what appears to be nerves....White/Purple four in total little tight clumps each of the four extruding from my anal hole (love to know the term please). Some of the time they are introverted but often are exterior. I have only just noticed this problem and incredibly concearned. As this is surely not normal or something that will pass? I have not had intercourse as of yet......My thoughts were either a type of cancer or an infection. If it is the latter then I have not used any sexual devices. Such as Di l do's etc......Please offer an educated or cautionate opinion. Do not attempt to scaremonger and say "Oh its defnitely serious" for example....

Prostate Cancer? at Nineteen?
Try not to worry too much....sounds as if you might have hemorrhoids.(piles)

A visit to the doctor will help as he/she can provide effective treatment, and of course it needs to be checked out by a professional .
Reply:You have hemorrhoids. Try Preparation H, available at the drugstore. Nothing to worry about, but they can hurt. They are basically blood vessels that have become inflamed and swollen, often caused by constipation. They're very common and may bleed. The blood will be bright red, not dark. Take a fiber tablet every day to help you keep from straining during a bowel movement.
Reply:This sounds like hemorrhoids. They are just dilated veins in the skin lining the rectum. You should see your doctor to be sure though. As for prostate cancer, young men do NOT get regular prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma). This is a disease of older men. There are some very rare sorts of cancer that can occur in that area in younger men, but this is highly unlikely to be the case here. Don't freak out, you are probably fine, but just get yourself examined by a doctor you trust.

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