or inlarged prostate,
What Are the sympyons of prostate cancer ?
There are no symptoms specific to Prostate Cancer. Mine was found during a routine blood work test for cholesterol. My doctor told me my PSA had jumped up. I asked what is that. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Its what the prostate emits into the blood to indicate that it is having a problem. It could be anything from an infection to in my case, cancer. Further test are needed to find out what caused it. In my case they did 12 biopsies. 1 of the 12 were positive. Once the cancer is found the tumor is rated on a Gleason Scale of 1 to 10. 1 being you’ll probably die of something else first, 10 it was nice knowing you. Mine was an 8. I wasn’t ready to go yet. I had it removed. I never had any symptoms or urinary problems. If your having problems, see a doctor. Made a believer out of me.
Reply:In FLE, they taught us to do regular checks of the testes by basically rubbing them to check for any bumps or abnormalities. These checks should be performed once a month, to form a benchmark. If one testicle changes size, that may also be a symptom. It helps to remember which is bigger to start with, although I never could.
Reply:Try a web search for "prostate cancer" + symptoms.
Reply:difficult to urinate and pain-- i think is 2 of the symptoms you should go on yahoo search to find out is it prostrate? and enlarged
peach fruit
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