Monday, May 17, 2010

Is it true if you're masterbating , that you're fighting off prostate cancer ? true or false , please answer !

in a recent health news study that i had gotten from a doctor's magazine from his office states if you're between the ages of early 20's , 30's, or your 40's that you decrease your risk of getting prostate cancer . My understanding is that if you shoot for a magic number of 21 : this would give you your chance of sex 4 times a week and five solo sessions at the end of the month , and that would fight off your chance of getting prostate cancer or at least that's what i had gotten out of it !!!

Is it true if you're masterbating , that you're fighting off prostate cancer ? true or false , please answer !
Actually choosing a diet that suits your blood group is recommended for controlling prostate cancer.But I guess masturbating will relax you and take your mind off your problems so it might minimise the risk.
Reply:not so much like a drug fighting off protate cancer, but an increase activity of stimulating the prostate glands help reduce the chances of getting cancer.....

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