About ten years or so ago I went to the doctor and asked about Prostate cancer screening. He said I was too young. Besides being over worked under paid and uninsured I have a pain in my scrotum and it feels like I have an 8 ball in between my crotch. I have been doing a lot of heavy lifting and I am exhausted. Everything works fine down there but I am very tired. A friend of mine had kidney cancer and he died shortly afterwards, he complained of being tired. Also my bones hurt. I was thinking that I could have a body infection. Should I be terminated by lethal injection? Getting sick is a sin in this country, I should be punished. Of course I could be over reacting, it has been a terrible week.
How long can you live with Prostate cancer?
While prostate cancer is a known killer, it, like all cancers, can take from a few weeks to several years to really get you. Ypou didn;t say your age but if you are over 15 and asked for a prostate check, the doctor should oblige. In fact all guys once they are pretty well through puberty should have everything checked annually. Unfortunately, unless one is insured and the insurance covers routine medicals, very few people actually get them. And due to embarassment or whatever even those who do get routine checkups don't insist on genitals being thoroughly examined.
As for your current pain in the scrotum, I would be more suspocious of a hernia or similar problem causing the discomfort especially given you do heavy lifting. so insured or not, it is tiem to get an appointment with a doctor who will give you a thorough exam in the genital region to determine wha tis right and what is in need of treatment.
Reply:My dad had prostate cancer and has beat it with chemotherapy. From what I understand (second hand through him), if caught early enough prostate cancer is one of the cancers with the best success rates.
Reply:I am sorry you are in pain. Do not let not having money or insurance keep you from getting the medical help you need and deserve. I do not know where you live, but there are free clinics in almost every State. Call the emergency room of any hospital and ask where you can go to get medical help, explain that you have no money or insurance.You can just go to an ER to see a doctor, they can not refuse to treat you because you have no money, they will bill you.If you can not pay the bill - you can not pay it, better to owe a bill than to lose your life. This could be very serious, do not put it off any longer. I hope you feel better and also get medical help.
Reply:Many men have prostate cancer the question is have fast growing is it. The younger you are when it is found is an indicator of how agressive it is. Under sixty five it means loosing the gland. If you are older the Doc many choose other means. All men should take for granted they prostate cancer and study what they can do diet wise to slow cancer.
Reply:there is no set time everyone is different. Should you want a simple pre screen ttest for it get a EPT test kit if it shows possitive see your doctor immediatlythis type of cancer is cureable please dont delay
Reply:Your sentiments are correct. What to do? It is really a great sin to get disease like cancer. However do not worry. Now have you contacted the doctor. ASAP please visit him for an evaluation of the disease. You may not have he disease and the symptoms you have told may be for some other reason. Only a doctor can tell you and treat you. Please do not worry. you will be alright. please visit your doctor immediately.
Best of Luck
Reply:You have to insist on an examination or at least an x-ray to see if there is anything there.
The life expectancy is quite high if treated. Not so if it goes un noticed and untreated. The doctor should work for you, not just work if they feel like it. Insist upon the test if he refuses report him to the medical board and see another doctor. No one is too young or too old to have cancer that's an excuse because he don't want to have to work.
I have dealt with cancer patients from the age of 6 months to 97 years. Cancer does not have a prefered age.
Reply:i really like your sence of humor..sorry you have had a bad week.A scrotal mass is a lump or bulge that can be felt in the scrotum, the sac that contains the testicles.A scrotal mass can be benign (generally harmless) or malignant (cancerous). Benign scrotal masses include:
Varicocele -- a varicose vein along the spermatic cord
Hydrocele -- fluid collection in the scrotum
Hematocele -- blood collection within the scrotum
Spermatocele -- a cyst-like mass within the scrotum that contains fluid and dead sperm cells
Scrotal masses can be caused by inflammatory or infectious diseases (for example, epididymitis), physical injury to the scrotum, herniation (inguinal hernia), or tumors.
Painless or painful bulge or lump within the scrotum (testicle lump)
Enlarged scrotum
Most conditions that cause scrotal masses are either not important or can be easily treated. Even testicular cancer has a high cure rate with early diagnosis and treatment. Nevertheless, any scrotal mass should be examined promptly by a qualified doctor. Any delay in diagnosing cancer may reduce the ability to cure it.. oh ny thhe way go to a (e.r.) and get checked they cant refuse to treat you even if you have no insurance.....good luck 2 you.....
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